Yeah I know it's not going to be the last...but I felt the need to put this up.
Recently busted out my Cal Assault to use the RR with, and my oh my am I pleased with it. I love everything about it; I love the awesome thunderous sound it makes. I love finally having something to outrange AR users. I love that all the Armor-tanking AR users are now having to contend with players at their level. I love that they cry rivers of 800 armor hp tears. observations:
This weapon is clearly CQC. Yes this is mostly what I wanted to say. I would suggest increasing the initial charge time to about 0.4 seconds. This would not affect anyone using the RR in its intended range-optimal, but it would stop people like me who have no problem using it in CQC. That is where the damage output really becomes an issue. Naturally, I don't think it should outperform ARs or ACbRs close up and it really shouldn't even have the ability to.
EDIT: I am
not requesting a nerf. If they happen to change the weapon this is my best guess as to how.
2. The nice side effect of the addition of this weapon (as well as the CbR to a degree) is the fact that shield tanking actually works again. These last few months have been extremely hard on shield users, but now that AR/CQC dominance is no longer general meta shield tanking is actually a viable option. Shields also synergize well with the RR, since most engagements are at ranges that make other weapons tickle at best. However...
3. Duvolles/Imperials (Viziams) still exist...and they are still laughing at my shields. This weapon is by no means the "new FOTM". I give it 2 weeks before all of the top-tier players go back to their ARs/ScRs. The Boundless CbR is going to be taking a nice little pedestal along these two, but I doubt the RR will see significant high-level use (in its current state or the next). Now that Tanks are the phenomenal pushers they are supposed to be, RRs fall short in long-range point defence/assault. Infantry combat is now (and really has always been) consolidated to very focused points.
4. Best weapon for heavies hands down...particularly the Assault variant. Heavies have the meat to make the charge time irrelevant and the sheer damage it can put down up close makes it very clear just how powerful it actually is. This isn't really good or bad

I guess heavies can use rifles for another month...
TL;DR: Just close the tab if you don't want to read through this. SIgh...RR is good but most assuredly isn't FOTM.